Pete's robot


This is the price list for all the parts and components for my robot. Most of the parts where available from Jaycar but for other parts such as the wheels and PICAXE micro controller, I had to do some research on where to get the parts and at the best price.
Item                                                                           Cost

PICAXE-28X2 starter pack USB                                 $125.00
Motor Controller IC                                                     $7.50
Infra red receiver chip 38KHz                                    $4.95
Infra red LED                                                             $1.00
Tamiya Double gearbox                                             $16.95
Tamiya Narrow tyre set                                              $12.00
Resistors                                                                   $5.00 Total (approx)
LEDs                                                                          $20.00 Total (approx)
Capacitors                                                                 $3.00 Total (approx)
Wiring                                                                        $10.00
Heat shrink                                                                 $5.00
Copper wire-pin junctions                                           $5.00
Wheel Castor                                                             $3.50
Polycarbonate base                                                   $FREEEEEE!
9V                                                                              $3.95
3x AA                                                                         $5.95
Circuit boards                                                            $9.95
Plastic shell                                                               $10.00